A near thirty minute classical devotion to the principles of death metal, Impending Decline is the first embarkment of Charun hailing from Northern Italy and rising from the ashes of melo-death veterans Coram Lethe. After the previous band’s disbandment, the trio of Francesco Miatto, Deimos and Simone Pirisi resolved to press forward, enlisting Mario Di Ceglie to continue their sonic incursion. Here with their first release, this five song EP sets the foundation for the band’s ethos with lucid quality and extreme precision. New Density is proud to release their debut.
Charun members from left to right: Deimos (guitars), Mario Di Ceglie (guitars, vocals), Francesco Miatto (drums), Simone Pirisi (bass)
This quattro of metal practitioners begin their finest hours with the start of Charun, and the Impending Decline release appears just in time for these times. Headbangers abroad are sure to take notice these guys mean business and remain true to the old school aesthetic while taking their own strides forward past the tracks our metal forefathers have laid before. This EP also fully bears the moniker “Made in Italy” as all members of Charun along with the recording engineer and cover artist involved are all of Italian origin. Bands these days keeping things as in-house as these guys are commendable.
Cover art by Roberto Toderico
Having wandered since the dawn of humankind while making his appearance known in varied yet similar forms, Charun has swung his hammer and crushed souls for thousands of years. From Italian soil, Charun makes himself known once more. Check out Impending Decline on CD with lyric booklet or digitally through various popular outfits.
Current official links to Charun below: